Redline Production Limited is founded in 2013 with major business at Video Production. Armed with a professional insight on the commercial market as well as API video production in Hong Kong. We deliver affordable contents to each clients unique request and need, producing some of the most popular and acclaimed award-winning videos across various digital platforms including Television and social media platform, such as YouTube and Facebook.
Company Credentials
“The Idlers Club”
支援計劃 (音樂篇) 專業組 3個大獎
最佳微電影製作大獎 金獎
最佳微電影男主角獎 金獎

“A Taste of Memories”
《記憶嘅味道 一直喺度》
YouTube Works Awards Hong Kong 2021
Grand Prix
Best Brand Campaign
Best Break – Through Advertiser

Cannes Lions Health
Promote the awareness of a taboo topic which rarely addressed in Hong Kong. This video won the Cannes Lions Health -Bronze, a global creative award.

Priligy 宇宙最強
Priligy 來自精精的你
Priligy JJ俠