Redline 新作 Summer 2023

Redline 新作 Summer 2023

We are excited to present our latest production works in the hot summer 2023! May we take this chance to thank all of our clients, directors and crews who made these happen together with us. Let’s look forward to more and more New Adventures in this 2023! Tel:...


【Redline 10週年啦!】 咁就過咗10年啦,能夠撐到今日真係非常唔簡單,除了要多謝過去曾經喺Redline工作過同埋而家仲喺Redline並肩作戰嘅同事之外,我哋都好感激陪伴我哋一齊成長嘅每一位製作人,以及俾咗好多好多機會我哋參與唔同拍攝嘅Agency、客戶、導演等。當中有好多包容、信任和支持,呢啲我哋都心存感激,一切在心中! 同10年前比較,香港同個世界都唔同咗好多,作為小市民嘅我哋,會繼續堅守信念,喺自己嘅專業領域做好自己嘅本分,珍惜每一次拍攝嘅機會,努力完成每一次嘅拍攝。...
Redline 最新作品 Spring 2023

Redline 最新作品 Spring 2023

We are happy to show you some of our latest video production works, directed by Penny Cheng, Ken So, Orson Chan, Kristanto Harris and Snake Leung.  Please feel free to take a look and do let us know if you are interested to learn more. Tel: 3767-7490Mobile:...
Redline 8月最新作品

Redline 8月最新作品

We are very proud to present some of our recent video productions, directed by Orson Chan and Ken So. Please feel free to take a look and do let me know if you are interested to learn more. Tel: 3767-7490Mobile: 9011-0487Email:   Our recent...


無論你想個creative, writer, videographer, director 定係 editor等等, 只要你係熱愛製作影片, 而且有志投身廣告業,就算冇經驗,只要有心學習,都可以將你嘅履歷email去。 記得講埋你想做嘅職位同埋原因,如果我哋覺得你適合就會聯絡你。...



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