Orson Chan

OUR PEOPLE Directors Orson Chan Orson Chan is a graduate of Poly University, majored in video production of school of Multimedia Design and Technology. He is recognized for his understanding in the fast growing multimedia market, strong sense of humor, concrete...

Anthony Chan

OUR PEOPLE Directors Anthony Chan Anthony Chan is an award-winning filmmaker and the holder of Bachelor’s degree with honours from the New York Film Academy. Upon his graduation from Los Angeles, he returns to Hong Kong and embarks on a career in the commercial...

Ken So

OUR PEOPLE Directors Ken So Ken graduated from Bachelor of Science in Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong in 2008.He believes in visual, because it can tell stories, it triggers audience sensations, emotions. He loves to find the beauty of objects which can’t...

Simon Shan

OUR PEOPLE Directors Simon Shan Received Bachelor of Arts in School of Communication in Simon Fraser University in Canada. Over 12 years’ experience in media, broadcasting, and advertising industries in Canada and Hong Kong. Leader of creative team in producing...

Penny Cheng

OUR PEOPLE Directors Penny Cheng 2000年畢業於香港浸會大學應用傳播學系。 畢業後加入offlohi 廣告製作公司,並參與一系列金帆得獎作品,例如國泰航空、惠康、益力多廣告等。 2005年開始電視廣告導演工作。初執導時作品多以輕鬆幽默的方法,帶出客戶產品特點,令觀眾在短時間對產品加深印象。 2015年農曆新年時播所的能得利軟糖廣告,在一星期內創下超過百萬網上點擊紀錄並得到該年首季Youtube 最佳廣告第一位。2016年憑Priligy – JJ Man...



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